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  1. Launch Ultimaker Cura

  2. Cura with settings locations labeled
  3. Either select "File", "Open File(s)" or drag and drop your 3D Model
  • Accepted file types: OBJ, STL, X3D, GLB, GLTF, PLY, UFP

  1. Verify the currently selected printer is Anycubic Kobra Go
  • If not: select "Kobra Go" from the drop down
  • If the Kobra Go is not listed: select "Add Printer", select "Non UltiMaker printer", open the "Add a non-networked printer" drop-down, scroll to the "Anycubic" drop-down, open and select "Anycubic Kobra Go", click "Add".

  1. Verify the material is set to Generic PLA
  • If not: open the material drop-down, hover over "Generic" (at the top), select "PLA"

  1. Check the Print Settings
  • Recommended defaults: under "Infill" set infill density to 10%, under "Material" set printing temperature to 210°, under "Travel" enable z hop when retracted,  under "Support" enable generate support and set support horizontal expansion to 0.4mm, and verify Build Plate Adhesion is set to brim.

Cura with adjustments labeled
  1. If necessary, adjust your model's size/position/rotation to fit the build area
  • Use the side bar on the left side of the build preview to change between adjustments

  1. Once satisfied, click the "Slice" button in the bottom right to begin analyzing your model (may take a few minutes depending on model complexity)

  2. Cura with print prep labeled
  3. Select "Preview" to see how the printer is going to print your model, this includes any automatic adjustments to fill missing vertexes and added removable supports
  • Select the "Prepare" tab at the top to edit your project if there are any issues

  1.  Make a note of how long the print is estimated to take and how many grams of filament the print will use, this information should be displayed in the bottom right

  2. Remove the Micro SD card from the 3D printer (push in and then pull out) and the card into the USB adapter 

  3. Select "Save to Disk" and save the g-code file to the Micro SD card

  4. Return the Micro SD card to the 3D printer

  5. Anycubic Kobra Go with screen, sd card slot, and power switch labeled
  6. Switch on the printer
  • The power switch is located on the left side of the base of the machine

Kobra Go screen with settings labeled
  1. Check that the Z-Offset is at -0.40

  2. Using the dial, scroll over to the gear icon and click in the dial, scroll to "Print from SD Card" and click in the dial, scroll to your project and click in the dial

  3. The printer will now begin to heat, do not touch the pad or the nozzle as it can cause burns

  4. Check that the nozzle is set to 210 (should be the top number on the nozzle icon in the top left)
  • If not: scroll over and click in the dial, turn the dial until it is set to 210 and then click in the dial

A GIF showing an owl being 3D printed

While you do not have to supervise the printing, it is advised you that periodically check on it every 30 minutes to 1 hour to verify it hasn't run into any issues. If you are unable to, please notify the Tech Assistant or Tech Specialist.

If there are any errors with the print, stop the print by turning the dial to the stop button (looks like a red dot in a red box) and click.

  1. After the print is finished, wait for the tray to cool before attempting to remove your print.

  2. Power off the printer

  3. Remove your print from the tray
  • If you are unable to directly pull it off, the tray is magnetic and can be removed to flex it. Just be sure to reattach it in the correct place.

  1. Pay for your print at the tech office. Price is determined by the number of grams of filament your print used

  2. Remove the supports and brim
  • This can be done by hand or a craft knife